Quisqueya/Kiskeya Program


The Quisqueya/Kiskeya Program advances energy access on the island of Hispaniola.

Quisqueya, in Spanish, or Kiskeya, in Haitian Creole, is the indigenous name for the island of Hispaniola before it was colonized by the French and the Spanish. 

The Quisqueya/Kiskeya Program advances energy access on the island where there exists the greatest number of people in the Americas without access to modern energy. There is a long history of conflicts between the two nations that inhabit the island; Haiti and the Dominican Republic. By supporting the collaboration of Dominicans and Haitians in the use solar PV technology to reduce energy poverty, create job opportunities, and improve education, EAF aims to help people rise above the bi-national conflicts by focusing on mutually beneficial action. The Quisqueya/Kiskeya Program draws upon the natural human talent and abundant solar resource available across the island.

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Entrepreneur Support Program

Inauguration of Solar Panel for Elderly Haitian family who donated land for housing #2..JPG

The Entrepreneur Support Program encourages innovation and entrepreneurship to advance energy access in developing countries.

Yao in Honduras.jpg

EAF identifies opportunities to support leading solar entrepreneurs. Support for innovations and special projects are provided through cost-shared performance-based contracts. This program helps to strengthen local enterprise capacity to create jobs and ensure that technical service will be available for the long term.  

A significant activity within this program is to involve international students who are studying in graduate degree programs at universities located in New England. There exists a very rich cluster of universities, especially in the greater Boston area, with which we collaborate. EAF engages these students with activities in the emerging energy access space. After they have completed their degrees, they can return to their countries better equipped to help advance energy access.

If humanity is to solve the challenge we face to meet the energy needs of the over one billion people currently without access it will require a great amount of new delivery capacity. EAF believes that this delivery capacity can best emerge by supporting the development of local energy enterprises, drawing upon the innate entrepreneurial and technical talent around the world, talent that is poised to help us meet this challenge.

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